Где | City Of Toronto |
Адрес | Kingston Rd, Scarborough |
Связь | 4169921114 Отправить сообщение |
Цена | Please contact |
The Manderley Condos is a pre-construction condominium development by Nova Ridge Development Partners. Project The Manderley Condos is located at Kingston Road and Warden Avenue (1478 Kingston Rd, Scarborough, ON M1N 1R6) The residents will have access to plenty of world-class restaurants, boutique shops, and a variety of other attractions. Most daily errands can be completed on foot. Beautiful walking trails just steps from the building.
P: 416-992-1114 Tamara Stodolskaya
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Номер объявления: 97327, опубликованно: Oct 1, 06:53 PM, изменено: Oct 17, 12:56 PM, просмотры: 672, поисков: 64439