1,000 L Plastic Totes 47"x 40"x 46", for sale.

ГдеCity Of Toronto
Адрес155 Chelmsford Ave
Связь4163128675   Отправить сообщение

1000 L Plastic Totes 47"x 40"x 46" for sale.
$99.99 Not food grade. $135 - $150 FOOD GRADE, good for collection rain water, aqua system for fish.
$140 - 1200 Lit. 47" x 40" x 53".
We have also 1000 lit. tote, its 110v heater, size W 45" x 48" x H 60". 100% Food grade, after liquid sugar with heaters, good for winter time for keeping fish - $250.
Surrounded by steel cage. 2" valve on bottom, also
We have adapter from 2"to 3/4 garden house.
Call 416-312-8675. Possible delivery for extra fees.
Location on Keele st. between HWY 7 and Steeles st.

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Номер объявления: 85284, опубликованно: Sep 7, 08:56 AM, изменено: Feb 7, 06:58 AM, просмотры: 401, поисков: 32557

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