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Ultimate cleaning of your house or office with a touch of magic.
Serving area of Etobicoke for over 12 years.
A team of professionals armed with the best cleaning products and the latest technology. Now dirt, stains and dust have no chance in your home.
*Only modern supplies from leading European and American brands. All the dirt and stains are doomed to destruction.
*Our team consists of professionals with at least 3 years of experience
*WizardCleaning does it better with magic
We Do Residential and Commercial professional cleaning.
*Basic and Deep cleaning
*Competitive Pricing
*Any time Cleaning
*Daily-Weekly-Biweekly-Monthly-One time
Better with magic.
Contact us today to customize your house or office cleaning.
[email protected]
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Номер объявления: 85114, опубликованно: Sep 2, 03:55 PM, изменено: Sep 2, 03:55 PM, просмотры: 351, поисков: 39578