Где | York |
Адрес | 1450 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 7R5 |
Связь | 416-823-2202 Отправить сообщение |
Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) - freezes warts off. The results of Cryotherapy wart removal depend greatly on the performer's skill and experience. The cure rate is very low for deep lesion. Risks include scarring or blistering of normal skin in the surrounding areas due to over freezing, or spreading of the lesions caused by under freezing and contamination.
We also specialize in electro cautery wart & mole removal (burning warts & moles with the use of an electrical current). Our medical staff uses this method to safely remove thousands of warts each year.
Please text or call for more information: 416-823-2202
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