Красивая и гладкая верховая езда Friesian Mare

ГдеQuebec City
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Weill trained basically all round She has a beautiful conformation and long mane & tail. She is very easy to ride, also in traffic, for hacking and dressage. she is also a great Friesian mare for amateur riders and she experience in driving with a marathon wagon also on the roads in traffic. and she is a horse for any novice rider with a mindset just to rise , she responds quickly , she is 100% healthy and p till date on all records , she is a wonderful family horse but also a great companion.email

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Номер объявления: 70330, опубликованно: Oct 12, 10:33 AM, изменено: Oct 12, 10:33 AM, просмотры: 890, поисков: 23361

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