Looking for part-time cleaners. Morning shifts. 16-17$ per hour

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Golden Hands Cleaning Services is looking for reliable, trustworthy and hardworking people who are availble to work morning shifts from about 8-9 am to 12-2pm. Our company is providing house cleaning service in Toronto.

You will get the same clients and same shifts, no need to change clients every week or month. Clients have their own supplies, so you dont't need to carry them every day.

Starting salary is 15-16$ per hour, depending on your experience, with the possibility of increasing it to 17$ per hour in a few months.

Interested candidates are welcome to send their applications at: [email protected] with a short description of their experience (if you don't have experience, but still interested in making some extra money, don't worry, we will train you!)

We are looking forward to start working with you!

Golden Hands Cleaning Services team

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