Где | City Of Toronto |
Связь | 4165692759 Отправить сообщение |
PROCESS DESCRIPTION: The process begins from inside with a 45-degree angle, where a 3/8 hole will
be drilled out to intersect the crack, from bottom to top. High density nylon injection plugs will be installed.
A mild acid/water cleansing will be performed to remove and extract dirt, dust and debris. This step ensures
the crack is clean, water is used to remove any residues left behind from the acid. The surface of the crack
will be sealed with the hydraulic cement. The issue is resolved with injection of Polyurethane Resin that will
be injected through the plugs, filling the crack from bottom to top at the same time reacting with water inside
the wall and expands. Comercial and Residential
Поделиться объявлением:
Номер объявления: 45272, опубликованно: Aug 8, 03:21 PM, изменено: Aug 8, 06:09 PM, просмотры: 400, поисков: 29046