Permanent makeup eyebrows, lips, eyeliners / татуаж век, губ, бровей.

ГдеCity Of Toronto
АдресSteels Don Mills
Связь6476099000   Отправить сообщение

Cosmetic tattoos/Permanent make up(lips, eyebrows, eyeliners) and Microblading( also known by a variety of names such as eyebrow embroidery, microstroking, feather touch and hair like strokes is a form of permanent makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments.)
Price from 200 to 400
(it depends on an area of tattooing and depends on needs...)
✅For example :
Lip liner -$200,
3D design Lips with multi color approach -$400
Touch up in 4-6 weeks :
$60(for eyebrows ),
$80 (for eyelids), $90 up for lips
Please Text at 6476099000 Mari Tiu (Марина)
Для пользователей скидка на брови, цены отображены на флаере, при бронировании пожалуйста, упомянайте..,
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