Концерты 13 февраля и 9 марта

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✨ Magnificent, dazzling, and incredibly talented – Mira Solovianenko ✨
🎶 Her voice enchants, her performance sends shivers down your spine.
Mira Solovianenko is the true embodiment of musical grace and artistry.
💖 Join her for two unforgettable evenings:
📅 February 13 – Valentine’s Day Concert 💕
📍 City Playhouse Theatre
🎟 Tickets: https://tickets.cityplayhouse.ca/event/655:435/655:552/
🎭 March 9 – “Touch the Soul” Show 🎨
📍 Studio N, North York
🎟 Tickets: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/trilliumtalent
💫 Experience the magic of music, emotions, and live art! Don’t miss these spectacular events!

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Номер объявления: 113488, опубликованно: Feb 12, 12:28 PM, изменено: Feb 12, 12:28 PM, просмотры: 25, поисков: 4408

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