CAREGIVER - Looking for JOB (caring for elderly or people with disability)

Связь+1-437-955-50-85   Отправить сообщение

I offer caregiving services for elder or disability people
I have more than 10 years of experience caring for elderly women

- bathing, grooming
- help with personal hygiene
- dressing/undressing
- accompanying for a walk, help with daily exersises
- mobility suport
- companionship, emotional support
- healthy meal preparation
- light housekeeping duties
- other services possible by your reqest (feeding etc)

- strong organizational skills
- high communication skills
- accuracy and precision in following instructions
- pre-intermediate English

[email protected]

Preferably with accommodation

Поделиться объявлением:

Номер объявления: 111753, опубликованно: Apr 7, 09:55 PM, изменено: Apr 7, 10:03 PM, просмотры: 317, поисков: 14964

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