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PVC Stretch Ceiling Banner
PVC STRETCH CEILING Put a bit of art in your life
PVC Stretch Ceiling Bedroom Banish boring ceiling finishes, such as stucco and drywall, in favour of a stylish and customizable PVC stretch ceiling that will be the unique focal element in your desired space. Transform your commercial and residential spaces into works of art with a stylish and affordable finish that will leave your guests in awe.
PVC Stretch ceiling is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that is inspected by a special CNC machine to ensure quality. The material is stretched into a sheet of thin, but incredibly strong, vinyl. It is both gorgeous and durable, being able to uphold 130 gallons of water while allowing for an upscale finish from all angles.

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Номер объявления: 109616, опубликованно: May 21, 07:40 PM, изменено: May 21, 07:42 PM, просмотры: 317, поисков: 44534

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