Где | York |
Адрес | 1555 King Road, King City |
Связь | 416-238-4543 Отправить сообщение |
We are Hiring Drivers and Movers ! We prefer somebody who can work up to 7 days a week. Full Time or Part Time. Drivers : $27-$32/per hour Movers : $22-$25/per hour
Experience is a plus. You should also have a vehicle to be able to drive to work on time to our Yard in King City. If you do not have a car and King City is too far away from you - do not reply to this add. Serious inquiries only.
We do not pay every day. Payment is Once a Week by Direct Deposit, by cash or by e-transfers. Upon hiring we will require you to send us a Valid Piece of any Photo ID, your e-mail address and Availability. You Must have an excellent communication skills in English, be punctual, honest, reliable and a good team player.
These who apply for drivers will be asked to pass a driving test at our Yard, driving a pick up truck with a 26 ft long trailer. All Drivers are doing the moving job as well. You will be moving the furniture with helpers and should be able to communicate with customers, and also be a team leader. Must be able to lift up to 55lbs. DO NOT CALL ABOUT THIS ADD. TEXT or e-mail only and we will contact only the selected candidates.
Please text us at 416-238-4543
Or send us your resume at [email protected]
Or just reply directly to this Add
Thank you
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Номер объявления: 106903, опубликованно: Jun 9, 12:52 PM, изменено: Jun 9, 12:52 PM, просмотры: 360, поисков: 25144